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Vicar's Monthly Letter

As I write the seasons struggle on with hints of spring quickly quashed by torrents of rain and cold windy weather. I hope that by the time you read this the weather has turned and that our farmers can finally get out into the fields and prepare the ground as they work towards the next harvest. We all rely on the changing seasons and each has their place and purpose throughout the year.


Our church seasons are very similar with each having it’s place within the life of our church and it’s worship throughout the liturgical year.  As we approach the end of the Easter season we have two special services to look forward to. Firstly, Ascension Day on Thursday 9th May at 7pm in Bishops Frome where we remember Our Lord’s Ascension into heaven and secondly, Pentecost Sunday.


Ascension Day is officially celebrated on the 40th day of Easter. In many countries it is a public holiday and Ascension Day is a free day for many workers. Many people take a long weekend off because the day falls on a Thursday. The Friday in between is usually quiet, particularly in shops and offices. Sadly, not for us in England.


In our own culture, Ascension Day is associated with various water festivals ranging from Well Dressing in Derbyshire to the Planting of the “Penny Hedge” at Whitby, a small town in Yorkshire. Other customs may include “beating the bounds”. This involves people in the locality walking around their farm, church or civil boundaries pausing as they pass certain trees, walls and hedges that denote the extent of the boundary to exclaim, pray and ritually 'beat' particular landmarks with sticks.

Ten days after Ascension Day at the feast of Pentecost we remember the day when the disciples received the Holy Spirit as Jesus had promised and were empowered to go out and preach the Gospel to the world. This year at the 10am High Mass service in Bishops Frome, The Bishop of Hereford will be presiding at our service so please do come along and join us.




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